Media Training
We offer a range of media training courses in which we share our media and broadcasting experience. Everything from building confidence ahead of an on-air interview to learning how to handle the media during a crisis, our public speaking and media training courses will teach you the skills you need.
If you are appearing on the evening news or on your company’s promotional video, we will train you to cope with the adrenaline and anxiety of performing in front of the camera. We will help you to project confidence and convey your message while being aware of your body language.
On Air, anything can go wrong. A slip of the tongue or lack of attention can spiral a conversation in the wrong direction. You will learn the skills needed to handle enquiries and succeed in your interviews.
Learn how to structure key messages and understand how you can use the media to develop a powerful communications strategy. It’s important to be able to connect with your audience in a clear, concise and engaging way.
Preparation of a focused message
Deployment of three key messages as part of a standard TV and Radio interview
The science of the “sound-bite” is explored and rehearsed as part of the interview process.
The ability to identify and forecast likely questions helps to diffuse nerves and anxiety
A better understanding of the mechanics of TV and radio interviews
Display of the standard filming process and techniques used in the industry.
Our radio studio is equipped with the standard equipment used in all of the broadcast stations, including headset “fold-back” of the interviewer and interviewee
Clients will be aware of the dynamics of broadcast requirements on both TV and Radio.
You will improve their performance and confidence "on camera".
You will understand why broadcasters and in particular TV journalists make specific requests.
You will understand how a TV report is put together.
You will understand their entitlement to information from the broadcasters in advance of an appearance.